Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Well, A Continuing Saga

Well, our water issue has raised its ugly head again. We started running out daily again, and that's with conservation efforts. I called out a different contractor, and can you guess? Our well is nearly dry. Dixie Wells knew it, because they put a pump protector on the well so it wouldn't burn out when the water ran low. They never told us this was done.

We let Dan-Ric, the builder, know about what was happening. Dixie Wells came out again and said yes, the well needs to be hydrocractured. This is a process of forcing water through the lines to free up obstructions and allow water to run into the well. It has a decent chance of success and costs 2500.

We were a little annoyed, to understate the issue. If they had told us when they first discovered the problem, we could have payed for this months ago, rather than leave a pump protector on and leave the well on borrowed time. As it is, we're a little stuck.

Dan-Ric has agreed to pay for the procedure, but no more than that. Its a saving grace, unless it doesn't work. If it doesn't, we'll need to have a new well dug, and they will not pay for that. No one is willing to guarantee a well will not need such treatment because you can't predict rock shifts and debris. Funny, but it seems to me this is a predictable event in a well that was not used for two years. Too bad I didn't know that at the time of purchase, but live and learn.

Hopefully, this will be done next week. I can't help but think someone is pulling a fast one. Perhaps the property is on a site that can't provide water. Perhaps they know the wellmust be replaced. I do know that legally, they cannot dig a well and call it such without a certain output. If the hydr0frac fails, I will find out who I can call to look into the issue. It seems that if the well runs dry, they had to have known it would have limited service. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope so.

1 comment:

  1. The well has been hydrofractured and they said it didn't work. But we've had much better water flow since they did it, so I think they just didn't realize how bad the flow was. I can wash a couple loads of clothes, a load of dishes, fill my water tanks, and take a bath-all on the same day. Works for me :-).
