Monday, July 14, 2008

gardens and tile

Hello, ladies.

It's been busy around here, with projects popping up every week. We just started the tile project in the living room. Most of the carpet and backing is up and we're creating our own design with black and reddish gold tiles. I expect slow going, but its not as if we have a deadline.

We figured out a solution to that drainage problem in the front yard. Rather than having expensive drains installed or having equally expensive grading done, we'll work with nature rather than against it. I've already dug a trench for a dry creek bed. It'll run from the deepest part of the yard to the drain in the side yard. If I run an arm from the concrete walk, it should also take care of the water that collects at that edge as well. Lots of work, but better than maintaining a swamp in the front yard. Besides, I've always loved rock gardens. This is a great excuse for getting one going.

Now, the back yard is a different story. No swamps, but lots of erosion. We planned on building retaining walls, but mom suggested we might find plants that will do the same job. There's already an oak starting to grow at the top of the hill, by the horse paddocks. I'll just let it be, if it wants to be there. It'll create interest and a nice bit of shade for the horses.

Paul bought himself a very nice camera and I still have the one mom bought me for Christmas (or was it my birthday?), so pictures of these projects will follow.


  1. Be careful of doing so much digging.I don't want you to get sick. Good job on your blog.

  2. I need to do more digging. The creek bed isn't wide enough. BUt I did put in a salix bush, which should help soak up some of the water. It seems to like the spot.

    Certain lillies may do as well nearby.

  3. It is worthy of note, though apparently unmentioned unless it's slipped my notice, that "Futhark Farms" comes from the pattern we're putting on the family room floor in ceramic tiles. We've chosen a set of Norse ("Futhark") runes representing such things as joy and common sense, and we're putting six-foot versions of about 10 of them down in black tile on russet. We think of them as reminders, but look forward to telling people it's our inscriptions for summoning dark powers.... ;o]
