Friday, July 18, 2008


I know I said I would not be one to write on your blog, but I immediately felt a little guilty. I am not one to pick up the phone, nor am I one to chat on the computer, but I will write a few words in answer to your previous blog, which by the way I just scanned.

It sounds like you are engrossed in a few physically taxing projects. I like mom's idea of allowing nature to take care of the water problem. I thought it was just a few days ago that you were speaking of having no water in your well or very little water but now it is a swamp in your front yard.

Well, on the rare occasion when I have watched the town station, when they throw their weight and power around and refuse people access to their own property to build under some bs guise of limiting the building of facilities, except of course when it is a large enough company to grease the right palms, The builder has suggested plants not only for aesthetics but also to absorb water. That was also a suggestion made to us when we looked at property that had a hill that sloped toward the house and was obviously not properly graded and would never have been allowed to be built on long island but since it was upstate they get away with a little more. Take a look at for some landscape ideas or go to a nursery and get some suggestions.

Now to the digging trenches, you have a little more moxie than I do because I would rent equipment and then hand it over to the boys. I have gotten past the age where I will take certain risks physically. I smell my mortality and it does not smell good.

I hope I do get to see your new ceramic tiles in your den, I am sure they will look fabulous even though I do not even remember what you said you were doing for a design. I would forget my head if it were not attached.

We are currently packing and loading and preparing for our move. I have given some thought to change for the new house but I want to live in it a little while and see what the house is asking for.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're moved in by now, and since you chose the burbs I'm sure you eliminated a lot of the issues we country folk have to deal with, such as grading. The well issue has me wishing I'd gone that route myself.

    There is an up side, though. People leave us the hell alone. We put in shelters for the horses and no one is complaining about extra buildings. They're protable, so we may even avoid paying higher property taxes. The fence itself is even portable,so we may not have to worry there, either.

    Also, we're a little closer to self contained. Considering the apocalyptic theme of my Nanowrimo story, that makes me feel a tad better, lol.

    But I still occasionally wish for the convenience of civilzation.
